The most promising way to support growing demand worldwide


A country to feed and an environment to protect

In recent years, aquaculture stands out as the fastest growing agri-food sector worldwide. This situation can be explained both by the constant increase in demand for marine products and by the reduction in commercial fishing.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, aquaculture is the most promising way to support the growing demand for these products on a global scale. While in 1980s, only 5% of shrimp consumed worldwide came from aquaculture, today aquaculture’s contribution to the world market is more than 55%.

This rise in global production, however, is largely due to questionable practices in cage farming techniques. The consumer is not always aware of the existence of the two types of farming in aquaculture, farming in cages and farming in tanks






Our culture system in closed tanks allows us to completely isolate our shrimp from the natural ecosystem, which prevents the escape of shrimp to the wild habitat, a situation that could lead to an imbalance in their diet or the possible presence of diseases. or pests in an open environment that is not fully controlled. The use of spring water also helps to maximize good rearing conditions, ensuring the exceptional quality of the shrimp growth medium.

This farming technique, used in several countries around the world, directly implants shrimp cages in natural water bodies. These controversial practices are questioned by several independent organizations because of their harmful effects on aquatic ecosystems and the level of product quality offered according to the less appropriate aquatic environments often used for this purpose.

Fortunately, some independent organizations such as Ocean Wise and Seachoice have given themselves the mandate to inform consumers and enlighten them on the best possible choices in terms of products from responsible aquaculture. Similarly, SeaChoice guides consumers to choose the most acceptable shrimp and seafood for sustaining marine ecosystems and coastal communities.

The criteria for sustainable and responsible aquaculture

Five main criteria are generally established to determine whether aquaculture is sustainable and responsible

The DZIRAPONIC Aquaculture Farm exclusively uses the best feed available on the market, produced in a certified factory. All the ingredients of the feed are carefully chosen, without adding growth hormones, to make it a food with high energy performance and low phosphorus content.

In addition, automated feed management ensures controlled feed usage and thus maintains water quality throughout the production cycle.

Our culture system in closed tanks allows us to completely isolate our shrimp from the natural ecosystem, which prevents escape into the wild habitat.

By using premium spring water, our shrimps are free from diseases and parasites that are  commonly found in intensive cage farming environments.

The closed tank breeding system designed by the DZIRAPONIC Aquaculture Farm makes it possible to recycle and filter breeding water, unlike what is done in cage breeding sites where untreated wastewater is rather directly poured into the sea.


 Good management of all the company’s activities as well as adequate training of our competent staff allow us to offer a superior quality product, all year round.

The leaders of the DZIRAPONIC Aquaculture Farm have understood the importance of sound management and a good entrepreneurial spirit. They remain convinced that it will benefit future generations.




Ocean Wise is a conservation program created to educate consumers and businesses about issues related to fisheries and aquaculture practices to empower them to make responsible choices when it comes to shrimp and seafood. We work directly with our partners to ensure they have the most up-to-date scientific information about their seafood products, so they can make responsible decisions that will put the health of the oceans first.

A Certified Quality Feed

DZIRAPONIC farm works closely with feed companies and researchers to create high environmental performance feed. We exclusively use low phosphorus feed, manufactured by a foreign company certified ISO 9000, Best Aquaculture Practices and HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point).

The food developed helps to minimize the ecological footprint and encourages a positive food conversion ratio for the ecosystem, in addition to not coming from excessive fishing.

In addition, manual feed management ensures controlled feed usage and thus maintains water quality throughout the production cycle.