DZIRAPONIC shrimps are renowned for their refined and unique taste, as well as their exceptional freshness and quality.

This refined taste is primarily attributable to the high quality of the spring water in which these shrimp swim. This remains one of the constant concerns of the company, which makes sure to always use controlled and exemplary ecological farming conditions.

In addition, our shrimps nourish on feed without hormones or antibiotics, which further guarantees the exceptional quality of their tender and tasty flesh.

As soon as they are harvested in our raising tanks, they are immediately processed on site, all in just a few hours.

Our still fresh shrimp are then quickly distributed to our points of sale, hence their unparalleled freshness!



Our shrimps have a good appetite, and they eat well!

Certified premium food.

Our feed fully meets the needs of our shrimp and contributes to their good health and well-being. All the ingredients of their food are carefully selected to optimize their growth, while minimizing the ecological footprint to ensure a positive food conversion ratio for the ecosystem.

Our Farming Practices section discusses in more detail the feed consumed by our shrimp.

A Healthy Choice

The antioxidants in shrimp are good for your health. These substances help prevent wrinkles and lessens sun damage. Shrimps contain a great deal of fat as well as PROTEIN and OMEGA-3 fatty acids. They are also rich in selenium, choline, and VITAMIN B12. It also contains good amounts of niacin, zinc, VITAMIN E, and VITAMIN B6.